about RNP
The business began in 1997 when I wanted to help a student I knew from Beeston Free Church to own a home to live in with his friends, by standing as a guarantor. He chose 56 City Road, Dunkirk, because all the study bedrooms were a good size. In the end, he didn’t want the responsibility of looking after the house. I purchased the house he had chosen, renting the rooms out to himself and his friends.

Since then, I have bought nearly all the houses for certain groups of students. 6 Humber Road, 62 Park Road, and 14 Marlborough Road were obtained for their size, and have been used to host large numbers of guests for events such as the 18+ Beeston Free Students/Young Persons Church Group, Beeston and Broadgate Christian Union Home Groups, and Cell groups for Vineyard.
I do not use a letting agency, instead co-ordinating services myself. I use extra student labour in the summer, so if any of you have special skills in DIY, gardening and cleaning, let me know! I work full-time for the NHS as a family doctor, with an interest in teaching medical students.